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Aku Benci Betul!!

What is your name?

How old are you?
sweet seventeen!!

When is your birthday?
20 Zulhijjah.

Are you looking forward to it?
harus laa..

nak makan kek pree..

Are you happy?
mak suke nok.

What makes you happiest?
dapat duet. $$$

Are you afraid of something?
not something. everything.

Do you live alone, or with someone else?
ma mere, mon pere

mak ayah aku la wei.

Do you have any pets?
semut itam

What is your favorite cartoon?
Chibi Maruko Chan. Pernah membuat ringtone henpon lagu itu.

Have you ever hit a deer?
motip drive dlm hutan?.

Do you drink?
8 gelas sehari.

Do you prefer beer or liquor?
Root Beer A&W

What is your favorite non-alcoholic drink?

What kind of cell phone do you have?
SGH C260, Motorola K1, Sony Ericcson W580i

Do you like it?
uish..suke la ade enpon. cuma sengkek la nk top up. hehe

What is the funniest word you ever heard?
orang tersasul bercakap. PON BOLLEEHH

Do you hate it when people call you "dear"?
ngape nak panggil aku dear??

To whom have you sent the most text messages?
Sape-sape yang rajin mesej aku. hukhukhuk

What did you do for new year's eve?
Nonton Tv

Were there lots of pictures?
nonton Tv perlu nangkap gambor kew?

What is your favorite movie?
Power RangerS!

What is your favorite song?
The Climbs

what concerts did you want to see in 2008?
Not interested lah..

What is your favorite place to chill out?
Cafe Kapas yer.

Do you work out?
naik turun tangga umah. caya lah!

Do you wear any jewelry?
Chincin kue.

What is your favorite memory of the past couple of years?
erm..erm..tidak pasti

What is your goal for the year?
Bak kata Gurik, Grad on time. nyeh3

What do you think about when you first wake up?
jangan kaco aku tido!!

Do you shower daily?
ikot mood. Haha..bleh plak. mandi la wei

aku x paham.

Have you ever eaten sushi?

Did you like it?
certain2 je. not interested sangat. Pulut kuning lagi sedap cicah rendang. ngahahah

List five things you can't live without:
Family (tolong suport duit, hhehe), enset, makanan, INTERNET!! updating my blog, line telephone. kalo line xder, rase nak bunuh orang je. kah3

What is your best physical feature?
Hoit..xleh gitau. cari sndiri.

What is your middle name?
Nurul Hafawati. Cari la yang tengah2 tue.

Do you get choked up during dramatic movies?
ntah. tanye orang sebelah.

Have you ever liked someone that all of your friends hate?
ade aku kisah??

Is there anything that you regret?
mesti la ada..banyak

Do you want children?
nak. heee

How many?
sebanyak yang aku mampu. wahh!

What is your favorite number?

What is your favorite sports team?
x suke team2 nie. individu jew. Go Nadal Go!!!

What is your most over-used phrase?

What do you not say enough?
xtahu. saya kurang bercakap di rumah ye.

You and your other half?
ape half2 ni?

Did you get over your ex, or are you over him/her?
what ex? ex?

Are you currently with someone?

Do you love him/her?

Who said "I love you" first?


What is your most significant relationship?
menyampah tul aku ngan tag nih.

What is the most romantic thing a significant other can do?
berani ko tanye?

Do you like pet names?
Babyna. Anak buah aku yang letak.

Do you have any?
Sudah arwah. isk..isk..

Do you believe in living together before engagement/​marriage?​
not at all! gatai nampak?

Have you ever had your heart broken?
ade la skali.

Have you ever broken someone's heart?
ade la skali. hahaha. tidak sengaja okay

Does this person know you better than anyone else?
ask him laa

Would you marry this person?

Are you happy with your sex life????

who is "Your" band?
Halim Yazid Dikir Barat. hahaha

What is "Your" song?
anok Tupai. hohoh

Do you think you'll be together for a long time?
lari topic la tag nih!

Do you do a lot of surveys?
saya seorang yang pemalas!

Did you like this one?
"suka Sangat".

aku nak tag:


teacherpiqah said…
yuk!!...banyak sggh soalannye...adehhhhh..tapi..demi kamu..sye jawab la...
Unknown said…
ini apa kes panjang bebenor quiz..hahaha~patut la menci..
Gurik said…
aku telah berjaya menyakitkan hati ramai orang. tahniah pada diri sendiri. ngengenge...

kat gombak? ronggeng jom.
eppoe said…
mimi: tahniah untuk aku sebab aku berjaya menjawab dalam masa 55.9 saat!
eppoe said…
sayyid: haha.. memang patut menci pown,
penat seyh jawab..
lame2 jadi menyampah.
Nathalia said…
nk jwb jgk bley??
eppoe said…
sila2 bell.
ko je yang volunteer nak jwab.
org len sume tanak!
Nathalia said…
ak wt kt blog ak..
Nathalia said…
saya sudah buat..
onniye*occuke said…
eppo...mggatal ko eh..nk anak rmai..hahahahha...

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