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Cheese Cake Recipe

atas permintaan Azzah, ini die recipe cheese cake saye. Selamat mencuba!


(A)for Meringue (telur putih)
6# egg whites

1. beat the egg white until fluffy and become soft peak. Set aside.

200 ml heavy cream/double cream
120 gm castor sugar
6# egg yolks
60 gm corn flour
60 gm butter
500 gm cream cheese ( 2 block)

200gm oreo cookies
100gm melted butter

1.beat cream cheese, castor sugar, butter, egg yolk, corn flour and double cream.
2. add some vanilla essence.
3.Mix A+B.
4. for the base, crushed the oreo in the blender. mix with melted butter.
5.then, press the oreo mixture into the mould.
6. pour the cheese cake batter into the mould.
7. bake the cake at 170 degree celcius about 45-60 minutes.

P/s: bake the cake using water bath method.

any questions, do asked me ok?
have fun!


Azzah Nazihah said…
thank you eppoo
will let you know bila dh try
skrg ni cream cheese ade satu blok je
kene g beli lagi.:D
OMG!! jim nk copy resepi ni!
Wah..jim ni cam xpernah je wat kn??
hikhikhik..actually,jim xsuke wat cheese cake sbb leceh skit bg jim. klu mkn tu,jim suke!YUMMY!!
eppoe said…
azzah: buat sedap2 okay!
eppoe said…
jim: ala..mesti jadi punye. xkan dak DCA xleh masak kot..
Nathalia said…
waaa...cake yg sgt byk kali b4 mkn!=)

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