Finger found in Chocolate BarInFebruary, 2007, a man named Hannes Gruber from Bischofsheim, Germany, was enjoying his chocolate bar when he noticed something strange in his delicious confectionary. German police investigated the case after Gruber said he bit into a chocolate bar and found a finger inside. A police spokesman in the town of Mainz, close to Frankfurt said “He found a fingertip, complete with fingernail, right in the middle of the bar, I suppose it went unnoticed because there were nuts in the chocolate and it was hard to tell the difference”. The finger had been handed over to forensic experts for further investigation but it’s also interesting that police declined to reveal the name the chocolate’s brand.
p/s: nanti hati-hati la ketika mengunyah coklat. takot2 ada kuku ke kt dlm tu. hihii